Monday, March 24, 2008

101 Drive-In with Redwoods

Coming from a family where girls were not educated, a teen-aged Cambodian refugee was astonished to see such a thing as tall Caucasian Red Cross workers, decades ago. Today her own teenagers help after school at her 101 Drive-in, learning to run a business. She attends City Council meetings just because she enjoys them. I'd vote for her. I also recommend the ortega burger.


Anonymous said...

Well this is a nice post and good for the lady who owns the 101 Drive-In.

Have a nice week.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

Ken said...

Nice story. I just imagine how different her life would have been.

iBlowfish said...

Interesting post, Those are really tall trees right on side of the business place.

USelaine said...

Thanks for all your comments. Her story was featured in the local paper a few years back, but I've chatted with her as well. Those redwood trees provide great shade in the heat of summer.