Ah, well. My clock and the Blogger clock are just enough out of sync, that my pub photo counted as a double for yesterday. Something equally green is the native manzanita bush that grows in the more open inland areas of Mendocino county. Right now, they sport lovely little bell-shaped blossoms, like this one found on Muir Mill Road, just south of town.

Your manzanita bush has lush looking leaves and pretty flowers. Any bees?
Hi oldmanlincoln,
I didn't see bees around the manzanita, but maybe they are the small, wild kind I have found enjoying oregano flowers in my garden. They are skinny enough to get in the small opening of the manzanita flower. If I get better with the macro function of my camera, I might catch one later this year. Cheers!
Oh, so manzanita is a bush. Good to see for comparison. Thanks for leading me here.
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