Thursday, March 27, 2008

Noyo Cinemaplex in Evening Light

For such a sparsely populated area, we are lucky to have this three screen theater on East Commercial Street, in all its art deco glory. According to the early 20th century ethnographer Samuel A. Barrett, "no'yo" was the Pomo name for an encampment on the north bank of Pudding Creek, over on the coast about 30 miles from here. After the white people came, the name somehow got re-applied to a river south of Ft. Bragg, also on the coast. Although fairly far removed, it's nice to have a locally derived name on this movie house.


Anonymous said...

Wow! This is an impressive photograph. An Interesting post.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

Troop 1309 said...

Its nice when little towns have their old theaters that are kept up.

USelaine said...

Thanks Abraham! And yes, Jana, we are lucky the owners have taken such good care of it.